Parks by State
- Alabama State Parks
- Alaska State Parks
- Arizona State Parks
- Arkansas State Parks
- California State Parks
- Colorado State Parks
- Connecticut State Parks
- Delaware State Parks
- Florida State Parks
- Georgia State Parks
- Guam Parks
- Hawaii State Parks
- Idaho State Parks
- Illinois State Parks
- Indiana State Parks
- Iowa State Parks
- Kansas State Parks
- Kentucky State Parks
- Louisiana State Parks
- Maine State Parks
- Maryland State Parks
- Massachusettes Parks
- Michigan State Parks
- Minnesota State Parks
- Missouri State Parks
- Mississippi State Parks
- Montana State Parks
- Nebraska State Parks
- Nevada State Parks
- New Hampshire Parks
- New Jersey State Parks
- New Mexico State Parks
- New York State Parks
- North Carolina State Parks
- North Dakota State Parks
- Ohio State Parks
- Oklahoma State Parks
- Pennsylvania State Parks
- Puerto Rico Parks
- Rhode Island State Parks
- South Carolina Parks
- South Dakota State Parks
- Tennessee State Parks
- Texas State Parks
- Utah State Parks
- Vermont State Parks
- Virginia State Parks
- Virgin Islands Parks
- Washington DC Parks
- Washington State Parks
- West Virginia State Parks
- Wisconsin State Parks
- Wyoming State Parks
The U.S. National Park Service preserves 58 national parks, 390 parks, historic sites, memorials, and recreation areas that attract nearly 300 million visitors every year. Our U.S. national parks are repositories of the nation’s biological diversity and contain some of the last ecosystem remnants that are found nowhere else in the world. Explore US Parks Online
Shenandoah National Park is a beautiful, historic national treasure which includes the 105-mile long Skyline Drive, a National Scenic Byway. The Park covers the crest of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains for over seventy-five miles. The Appalachian Trail roughly parallels the Skyline Drive and 101 miles of this trail run through the Park. (more…)
Oregon National and State Parks and Recreation
Oregon has one national park, 153 State Parks, 7 State Forests, 7 State Fish Hatcheries,
4 State Natural Areas, 1 State Nursery, 1 State Wildlife Area,
1 State Wildlife Management Area, 16 National Forests, 1 National Memorial, 1 National Historic Site, 19 National Wildlife Refuges 2 National Recreation Areas, and 49 wilderness areas.
National Parks
State Parks
- Ainsworth State Park
- Alderwood State Park
- Alfred A Loeb State Park
- Azalea State Park
- Bald Peak State Park
- Bandon State Park
- Battle Mountain State Park
- Beachside State Park
- Benson State Park
- Beverly Beach State Park
- Big Creek State Park
- Boiler Bay State Park
- Bolon Island State Park
- Bonneville State Scenic Corridor
- Bowers Rocks State Park
- Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint
- Buena Vista Ocean Wayside State Park
- Bullards Beach State Park
- Camas Mountain State Park
- Cape Blanco State Park
- Cape Lookout State Park
- Cape Meares State Park
- Cape Sebastian State Park
- Carl G Washburne Memorial State Park
- Cascadia State Park
- Casey State Park
- Casey State Park Picnic Area
- Catherine Creek State Park
- Champoeg State Park
- Chandler State Park
- Clyde Holiday State Park
- Collier State Park
- Coquille Myrtle Grove State Park
- Corbett Memorial State Park
- Crown Point State Park
- Dabney State Park
- Darlington State Park
- David Douglas State Park
- Depoe Bay Wayside Ocean State Park
- Detroit Lake State Park
- Devils Elbow State Park
- Devils Lake State Park
- Devils Punch Bowl State Park
- Ecola State Park
- Elk Creek Tunnel Forest State Park
- Ellmaker State Park
- Emigrant Spring State Park
- Farewell Bend State Park
- Floras Lake State Park
- Fogarty Creek State Park
- Forest Wayside State Park
- Fort Rock State Park
- Fort Stevens State Park
- Geisel Monument State Park
- George W Joseph State Park
- Golden and Silver Falls State Park
- Governor Patterson Memorial State Park
- Guy W Talbot State Park
- Harris Beach State Park
- Hat Rock State Park
- Helmick State Park
- Hilgard Junction State Park
- Hug Point State Park
- Humbug Mountain State Park
- Illinois River Forks State Park
- J E Harris State Park
- J S Burres State Park
- Jackson F Kimball State Park
- Jessie M Honeyman Memorial State Park
- John B Yeon State Park
- John Day Fossil Beds State Park
- L Presley and Vera C Gill State Natural Site
- Lake Owyhee State Park
- Lampman State Park
- Lang Forest State Park Wayside
- Lausmann State Park
- Lava River Caves State Park
- Lewis and Clark State Park
- Lindsey Creek State Park
- Lost Creek Ocean Wayside State Park
- Maud Williamson State Park
- Mayer State Park
- McLeod State Park
- Memaloose State Park
- Millicoma Myrtle Grove State Park
- Milo McIver State Park
- Molalla River State Park
- Nehalem Bay State Park
- Neptune State Park
- Nestucca Spit State Park
- Newburgh State Park
- Ochoco Lake State Park
- Ochoco Wayside State Park
- Ona Beach State Park
- Ontario State Park
- Oswald West State Park
- Otter Crest State Park
- Painted Hills State Park
- Perkins Peninsula State Park
- Pilot Butte State Park
- Pistol River State Park
- Ponsler State Park
- Port Orford Cedar State Park
- Portland Womens Forum State Scenic Viewpoint
- Powers State Park
- Prineville Reservoir State Park
- R A Booth Memorial State Park
- Red Bridge State Park
- Redwood State Park
- Richardson Point State Park
- Robert W Sawyer State Park
- Rocky Butte State Park
- Rocky Creek State Park
- Rooster Rock State Park
- Saddle Mountain State Park
- Samuel H Boardman State Park
- Seal Rock State Park
- Seneca Fouts State Park
- Shepperds Dell State Park
- Sheridan Wayside State Park
- Shore Acres State Park
- Silver Falls State Park
- Sisters State Park
- Smith Rock State Park
- Sodaville Springs State Park
- South Beach State Park
- Starvation Creek State Park
- Sunset Bay State Park
- Sunset Highway State Park
- Susan Creek State Park
- Swiftwater State Park
- The Cove Palisades State Park
- Tou Velle State Park
- Tugman State Park
- Tumalo State Park
- Umpqua Lighthouse State Park
- Umpqua Wayside State Park
- Unity Lake State Park
- Valley of the Rogue State Park
- Viento State Park
- Wallowa Lake Highway Forest State Scenic Corridor
- Wallowa Lake State Park
- Wayside State Park
- Willamette Mission State Park
- Willamette Stone State Park
- Wilson River Highway Forest State Scenic Corridor
- Wygant State Park
- Yachats Ocean Road State Park
- Yachats State Park
- Yamhill Landing State Park
- Yaquina Bay State Park
- Yoakam Point State Natural Site
- Ziba Dimmick State Park
State Forests
- Adair Tract State Forest
- Clatsop State Forest
- Elliott State Forest
- McDonald State Forest
- Santiam State Forest
- Sun Pass State Forest
- Tillamook State Forest
State Fish Hatcheries
- Elk River State Fish Hatchery
- Fall Creek State Fish Hatchery
- Klamath State Fish Hatchery
- Oregon State Fish Hatchery
- Roaring River State Fish Hatchery
- Trask River State Fish Hatchery
- Wizard Falls State Fish Hatchery
State Natural Areas
- Elmer Feldenheimer State Natural Area
- John Yeon State Natural Area
- McLoughlin State Natural Area
- Tryon Creek State Natural Area
State Nursery
- Dwight Phipps State Forest Nursery
State Wildlife Area
- Summer Lake Wildlife Area
- State Wildlife Management Area
- Jewell Meadows Wildlife Mgmt. Area
National Forests
- Deschutes National Forest
- Fremont National Forest
- Malheur National Forest
- Medford Nursery Rogue River National Forest
- Mount Hood National Forest
- Ochoco National Forest
- Rogue River National Forest
- Siskiyou National Forest
- Siuslaw National Forest
- Umatilla National Forest
- Umpqua National Forest
- Wallowa National Forest
- Wallowa Whitman National Forest
- Whitman National Forest
- Willamette National Forest
- Winema National Forest
- National Memorial
- Fort Clatsop National Memorial
National Historic Sites
- McLoughlin House National Historic Site
National Wildlife Refuges
- Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge
- Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge
- Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge
- Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge
- Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge
- Columbia White Tailed Deer National Wildlife Rufuge
- Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
- Finley National Wildlife Refuge
- Headquarters Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- Klamath Forest National Wildlife Refuge
- Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
- McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge
- Oregon Island National Wildlife Refuge Oregon Islands Wilderness
- Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge
- Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge
- Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge
- Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
- William Finley National Wildlife Refuge
National Recreation Areas
- Hells Canyon National Recreation Area
- Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area
Oregon Wilderness Areas
There are 49 wilderness areas in the state of Oregon.
- Badger Creek Wilderness
- Black Canyon Wilderness (Oregon)
- Boulder Creek Wilderness
- Bridge Creek Wilderness
- Bull of the Woods Wilderness
- Clackamas Wilderness
- Copper Salmon Wilderness
- Cummins Creek Wilderness
- Diamond Peak Wilderness
- Drift Creek Wilderness
- Eagle Cap Wilderness
- Elliott Corbett Memorial State Recreation Site
- Gearhart Mountain Wilderness
- Grassy Knob Wilderness
- Hells Canyon Wilderness (Oregon and Idaho)
- Kalmiopsis Wilderness
- Lower White River Wilderness
- Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness
- Menagerie Wilderness
- Middle Santiam Wilderness
- Mill Creek Wilderness
- Monument Rock Wilderness
- Mount Hood Wilderness
- Mount Jefferson Wilderness
- Mount Thielsen Wilderness
- Mount Washington Wilderness
- Mountain Lakes Wilderness
- North Fork John Day Wilderness
- North Fork Umatilla Wilderness
- Opal Creek Wilderness
- Oregon Badlands Wilderness
- Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge
- Red Buttes Wilderness
- Roaring River Wilderness
- Rock Creek Wilderness
- Rogue–Umpqua Divide Wilderness
- Salmon River National Recreation Trail
- Salmon–Huckleberry Wilderness
- Sky Lakes Wilderness
- Soda Mountain Wilderness
- Spring Basin Wilderness
- Steens Mountain Wilderness
- Strawberry Mountain Wilderness
- Table Rock Wilderness
- Three Arch Rocks National Wildlife Refuge
- Three Sisters Wilderness
- Waldo Lake Wilderness
- Wenaha–Tucannon Wilderness
- Wild Rogue Wilderness